Job In Real Life (JobIRL)

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The association Job IRL runs a social network dedicated to the academic orientation and career guidance of the 14-25 years old. Their online platform promotes all kinds of jobs and academic sectors and also allows the young students to discuss online with professionals and to meet them.

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Projet soutenu

« Connect with your future »

Goals : To support the spin-off of the program by giving trainings and education kits to teachers in secondary schools.
Pierre Bellon Foundation’s grants will contribute to:
For the partner schools:
-Train teachers with JobIRL tools so they could develop good educational practices concerning the academic and career orientation of the students
-Improve the connection with the professional world by introducing businesses within the schools
-Create and develop a community committed to the orientation by gathering students, alumni and professionals
For the students:
-Empower them into their own professional orientation
-Discover all kinds of jobs and courses, deconstruct prejudices about some sectors, promote forward-looking sectors
-Escort them through the process of the appropriation of digital tools and the codes of the working life
-Encourage professional diversity
Number of beneficiaries : 18 000 students from 14 to 25 years old over 3 years