Transversal cooperative projects
The Foundation supports transversal initiatives which participate in the production and/or dissemination of good practices, resources and knowledge useful to actors in the human development sector.
Vers le Haut is the first french think tank focused on youth’s education. They analyse and capitalise all the successful field activities implemented by different education organisation. From that, they generate practical propositions to build an education system adapted to the challenges of the 21th century.
In 2022, the Foundation renewed its partnership with Passerelles & Competences to structure and perpetuate its "Volunteering for Governance" project, to support more associations and generate real transformations in their boards of directors, thereby leveraging the impact of their organizations.
Break Poverty Foundation aims to combat the social determinism affecting disadvantaged youth in France and abroad. To achieve this, it supports innovative and transformative projects in 3 main areas: early childhood support, the fight against school drop-out, and help with professional integration. In 2024, the Pierre Bellon Foundation renewed its commitment to the Break Poverty Foundation to support its study “Preventing inequalities from the earliest age / Tooling public authorities for an ambitious early childhood policy”.
Action Tank is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, co-created by Martin Hirsch and Emmanuel Faber in 2010. It acts as a laboratory for social innovations, bringing together companies, associations, public players and academics around a common objective: to combat poverty and exclusion in France. It is currently working on the “Innovating through data in child welfare” project, which aims to generate inspiring examples of dynamic observation, piloting and proof, in partnership with several départements, to help improve the social impact of child welfare.
La Fabrique du Nous (based in Marseille) supports and implements initiatives that create social bonds. Their project, called “L’école du Nous” (The School of Us) aims to unite youth players to address the challenges of learning about otherness. Conceived as an educational alliance, “L’école du Nous” will bring together schools, associations, teachers, local authorities, the French Ministry of Education, parents, foundations, etc. At the end of 2023, the Pierre Bellon Foundation supported support to “L’école du Nous” in order to produce a pedagogical engineering the benefits of learning about otherness at school, to lay the foundations for large-scale on a large scale, and to analyze and share the method.
ScaleChanger has been supporting SSE structures and impact projects in France and internationally in their scaling-up challenges since 2014. The Pierre Bellon Foundation is supporting the “Scalomètre” study, which aims to analyze and compare the scaling trajectories of social and environmental innovations. It will enable i) the production of a first publication based on quantitative and qualitative data, and ii) acculturation/awareness-raising actions, including events to present the results.