Transversal cooperative projects

The Foundation supports transversal initiatives which participate in the production and/or dissemination of good practices, resources and knowledge useful to actors in the human development sector.

Premier think tank dédié aux jeunes & à l'éducation

Vers le Haut is the first french think tank focused on youth’s education. They analyse and capitalise all the successful field activities implemented by different education organisation. From that, they generate practical propositions to build an education system adapted to the challenges of the 21th century.

Ashoka, tous acteurs de changement

Initiated by Ashoka and designed in collaboration with young people, a network of associations, foundations, companies, and a sociologist, the "Youth Assembly" is a learning experience that brings together young people aged 16-24 and decision-makers from other generations to better understand the issues affecting young people and to reflect together on how to define success in the 21st century.

Passerelles & compétences

In 2022, the Foundation renewed its partnership with Passerelles & Competences to structure and perpetuate its "Volunteering for Governance" project, to support more associations and generate real transformations in their boards of directors, thereby leveraging the impact of their organizations.

Break Poverty Fooundation

Break Poverty Foundation is working on a study entitled "Preventing poverty: how parenting support can make a difference", which aims to identify relevant approaches to parenting support. The study will serve as a decision-making tool for sponsors wishing to get involved in making parenting support an effective tool for preventing inequality.

Action Tank

Action Tank is a non-profit association under the French law of 1901, co-created by Martin Hirsch and Emmanuel Faber in 2010. It acts as a laboratory for social innovations, bringing together companies, associations, public players and academics around a common objective: to combat poverty and exclusion in France. It is currently working on the “Innovating through data in child welfare” project, which aims to generate inspiring examples of dynamic observation, piloting and proof, in partnership with several départements, to help improve the social impact of child welfare.

"Coup de cœur" projects

As part of its mission, the Foundation launched in 2023 a “Coup de Cœur du comité” system which aims to support associations run by young people and serving young people, by providing them with a “helping hand” at the time of launch or deployment of their initiatives.

Melting POT

Melting POT is an association founded in 2022 by Alexandre Pastor, whose main mission is to help educate young people aged 11 to 25 in political, civic and institutional life. The “Comprendre, c’est agir” (“Understanding means acting”) project focuses on 2 main areas: providing young people with the tools to understand political institutions through an attractive teaching approach that makes politics interesting for them, and giving them back the power to act by making them aware of their responsibilities at an early stage. To achieve this, the association has developed a tailor-made program, “Le Programme POT”, deployed in schools (collèges and lycées), social centers and sports clubs.

Les Pilotes

Les Pilotes is an association that aims to empower young people aged 14 to 24 from disadvantaged neighborhoods in their career choices, in order to promote informed, chosen professional integration. Among its various programs, it intervenes by using entrepreneurship as a tool and a pedagogy through doing. “Le Bon Créneau” is an entrepreneurship competition that enables young people to acquire key skills and expand their professional network. It takes place over four months, during which participants benefit from 60 hours of training and several weeks of mentoring by a professional.

We have also provided support to

Une Voie Pour Tous, École Pour Tous, Repairs