Literacy is the foundation of all learning and one of the main factors in gaining independence through access to information, knowledge, and employment. However, 20% of the world’s population is currently illiterate, as is 7% of the French population. This issue also involves numeracy.
The Pierre Bellon Foundation supports projects for literacy from early childhood with the following main objectives:
- A comprehensive approach to literacy from early childhood, including proficiency in oral expression, reading, writing and arithmetic
- The awakening of the pleasure of reading, and that of sharing a story with friends and family
- Parental awareness of the importance of reading, and the development of teacher training
- Taking into account the basic needs of children in developing countries (health, nutrition, protection, etc.)
The Pierre Bellon Foundation supports:
We have also provided support to
Agir pour l’école (Take Action for Schools)
Asmae - Association Sœur Emmanuelle
Association pour Favoriser l’Égalité des Chances à l’École (Apféé)
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