Fulfilment of human potential


Investing from an early age in non-cognitive skills such as self-esteem, social skills, independent decision-making and others is the key to economic success and human development. These skills, taught in schools as well as at work, allow everyone to fully express his or her potential.


The Pierre Bellon Foundation works with young people and their families with the following main objectives:

  • The development of qualities essential to human development such as self-confidence, a taste for experimentation and the acquisition of independence are key to human development and these skills can be developed at school and with associations to allow everyone to fully express his or her potential.
  • Encouraging teaching strategies that emphasize learning by doing, with caring support for the long term, establishing a positive learning environment
  • Approaches that are fun, including sports as well as cultural, social, and entrepreneurial aspects to develop the potential of young people and re-engage them in their educational and professional careers


The Pierre Bellon Foundation supports:

We have also provided support to

Citoyenneté PossibleClowns Sans FrontièresEnfants et DéveloppementLa Fabrique OpéraOsons Ici et MaintenantPar le mondePlan International FranceSEVESport dans la VilleSynLabUnis-CitéUniversité Paris-Descartes, Laboratoire Adaptation Travail Individu