Les Enfants du Canal

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Les Enfants du Canal fights against the exclusion of homeless people and those living in slums in France.

This project allows young residents of slums or suqats to realize a volunteer service. Each year, 30 youths works during 10 months to fight their own social exclusion and the exclusion of their peers.  

Learn more: www.lesenfantsducanal.fr

Projet soutenu

« RomCivic & Schooling program »

Goals : - To support socio-profesional inclusion of the young people living in the slums through a volunteer service
- To offer assistance to organizations working in the slums on the access to health, education and housing accomodation
- To raise awareness on the issues that are affecting those young people living in the slums and the prejudices around the rom communities
Number of beneficiaries : 30 young people from 18 to 25 years old per year