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Young girls from working class neighborhoods are often victims of inequalities (social, gender and territorial) that lead to self-censorship. Rêv'Elles was founded in 2013 to deconstruct all these limiting barriers and to accompany these young girls in their professional and personal development by developing their potential and their power to act.

Learn more: www.revelles.org

Projet soutenu

« Consolidate and develop actions in Ile-de-France and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes »

Goals : - To constitute the ecosystem necessary for the deployment of Rêv'Elles to develop its anchoring in the regions IDF and AURA
- Deploy the Rêv'Elles offer in new territories in the region
Number of beneficiaries : - 1900 young women for an awareness workshop "Get to know you"
- 1100 young women for the "RVL Ton Potentiel" program