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The association Enquête, created in 2010, designs and distributes pedagogies and playful tools for education on secularism and religious facts in order to develop in children a peaceful and thoughtful relationship with these subjects.

Its objectives are to

- Implementing workshops for the discovery or teaching of religious facts to educate about secularism within educational structures (elementary schools, social centers or any other structure), particularly in a playful way,

- Designing pedagogical tools to promote this teaching,

- To lead training sessions for educational professionals,

- To develop any other type of tools or activities that serve its purpose.

Learn more: www.enquete.asso.fr

Projet soutenu

« Deploying education to secularism through the teaching of religious facts »

Goals : -In school, peri and extracurricular settings:
* Deploy training for teachers, facilitators and educational professionals, as well as training for trainers
* Continue the creation and dissemination of adapted tools for teachers and facilitators
-Finalize a randomized impact study with the OECD
Number of beneficiaries : 6690 teachers, 900 animators, 120 000 children aged 8 to 11