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As part of its public service actions, Unis-Cité offers young people 16 to 25 years old from all backgrounds and education levels the opportunity to get involved in public-interest projects in France for 6 or 9 months, on a full-time basis and as a team, while providing financial support and training that will be useful to them in the future.

Learn more: www.uniscite.fr

Projet soutenu

« Néo-Citoyens (Neo-Citizens) and Civic Service in schools »

Goals : - Continue the development of the New Citizens program implemented by the Unis-Cité teams to improve the school environment and the well-being of students in schools and colleges
- Accompany voluntary establishments to better welcome their volunteers in civic service.
Number of beneficiaries : 9000 students, 600 teaching professionals and 350 volunteers in civic service over 2 years.