Réseau Étincelle

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Réseau Étincelle contributes to the social and professional integration of young people in difficulty through educational actions that develop their creativity and put them "in the shoes of an entrepreneur."

Learn more: reseau-etincelle.org

Projet soutenu

« Enhancement of the Réseau Étincelle for one year »

Goals : Empowerment of the actions and pedagogical innovations of the Réseau Etincelle by developing the range of devices depending on the needs and courses of the beneficiaries. This ambition is divided in 3 main axes :

1) Evolve the training devices
2) Develop tutoring in order to monitor and support young people for one year
3) Develop new devices to integrate young people in the digital transformation of society
Number of beneficiaries : 300 young people from 16 to 25 years-old aver 2 years