Enfants du Mékong

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Enfants du Mékong assists children and young people in South-East Asia with their education and training so they could improve their material conditions and grow as people.

Learn more: www.enfantsdumekong.com/fr

Projet soutenu

« Support in Entering the Workforce »

Goals : To promote training and professional integration for young people.
- In Cambodia and the Philippines, the facilities operated by Enfants du Mékong provide training modules, organize vocational forum and skill-based sponsorship with local businesses and develop an alumni network and trainers in rural area.
- In Myanmar they update audits of existing vocational trainings and create new foster homes
- In Laos they update audits of existing vocational trainings and give career guidance
Number of beneficiaries : 10231 young people between 15 and 25 years old over 3 years