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Sipar, a french NGO, has been working actively in Cambodia for 26 years to fight against illiteracy and to develop reading activities and accessibility to books for the most underprivileged population.  

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Projet soutenu

« To perpetuate and strengthen the "Reading for All, Education and Literacy" program for people in detention in Cambodia »

Goals : To continue and permanently anchor reading and education in prisons by:

- Supporting existing literacy classes with a new curriculum

- Strengthening book consultation and borrowing services and cultural and artistic activities

- Accompanying the digital development of the program through the installation of "Multimedia Education Centers" (offline digital laboratory in libraries)

- Training guards and prisoners in the use of the "Multimedia Education Centers
Number of beneficiaries : 43 400 prisoners (the vast majority of whom are under 25) and 368 prison staff over 3 years