Plan International France

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Founded in 1937, Plan International is a development and humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights, education and gender equality for vulnerable communities in Asia, Africa and South America.

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Projet soutenu

« The league: girl's empowerment through football in Brazil and Nicaragua »

Goals : - To offer football trainings to young girls and reinforce their knowledge on “life skills “ (self-confidence, career guidance, leadership, empowerment) and on their reproductive health rights
- To offer sports-related vocational training to 50 girls
- To raise awareness on gender equality, the harmfulness of teen pregnancy and early marriage within their community. Girls and boys work together to become “Champions of change”. Fathers are also involved by supporting their daughter’s empowerment.
Number of beneficiaries : 920 girls aged 12 to 24, 550 boys and 270 fathers and men over two years