Wake Up Café

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Founded in 2014, Wake up Café (WKF) accompanies people in and out of prison who are motivated to be supported towards sustainable reintegration, without reoffending. It offers pathways aimed at the person's complete rehabilitation, tailored individual and group inside-outside support, and a self-help community, a pillar in the fight against recidivism and isolation.

Learn more: www.wakeupcafe.org

Projet soutenu

« Scaling up the methodology of supporting young people leaving prison towards sustainable reintegration at 9 sites in France »

Goals : - Accompany young people leaving prison through an adapted pathway to employment and self-reintegration at 9 sites in France.
- Capitalize on Wake up Café's experience in supporting young people, and train all employees and facilitators in order to disseminate a high-quality program.
Number of beneficiaries : 1,095 young people released from prison over 3 years.