Enactus-France, created in 2002 by Aymeric Marmorat, is an organization specialised in experiential education and commitment. It helps young people, high school and university students to develop their skills to innovate and act in the service of society and the planet.
By working in teams on entrepreneurial projects, Enactus-France aims to help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds find their way in the world of work and to develop their commitment to their region and strengthen their sense of belonging to society.
Learn more: enactus.fr
Projet soutenu
« Swarming of the Enactus High School students' pathways »
Goals : Enable access to innovative Enactus Lycéens courses for high school students from underprivileged areas (vocational training routes, QPV and rural areas), to help them become aware of social/environmental issues and work towards their social inclusion through commitment to their local community:
- Improve the pedagogy of the “Action path” and cooperation with existing public schemes to promote commitment as a lever for social inclusion.
- Strengthen advocacy, action research and impact measurement for Enactus Lycéens courses.
- Continuing to empower teachers to develop teaching practices in the national education system
Number of beneficiaries : 12,600 vocational high school students and 940 teachers