Le Colibri

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Le Colibri is a 1901-law association created in 2017 by the Scouts et Guides de France, under the impetus of Jérôme Aucordier. Le Colibri is a non-traditional placement structure, approved by the départements, specializing in tailor-made care for children and teenagers in "complex situations", based on the Scout method. It takes in children and young people whose backgrounds are often full of breakdowns, violence, feelings of abandonment and inability to project themselves. The innovative aspect of the project lies in its desire to place the young person at the center of his or her care, rather than asking him or her to adapt to the system, thanks to a flexible approach to support that enables us to build a tailor-made project for each young person.

Learn more: colibri-asso.fr

Projet soutenu

« Development and expansion of Colibri living spaces »

Goals : - Develop and spin off 10 new living spaces concentrated in strategic regional hubs
- Structure and perpetuate the Scouting methodology in the field of ASE.
Number of beneficiaries : 84 children and young people aged 6 to 21