Trouve Ta Voix

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Trouve Ta Voix (TTV), created in 2018, enables young people to reveal their potential through speaking. It intervenes in priority public middle and high schools to enable students to gain self-confidence, prepare for their professional integration and their entry into citizenship. Trouve Ta Voix aims to contribute to change within the education system by developing the role of the spoken word, in the interests of equal opportunity and social cohesion.

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Projet soutenu

« Territorial deployment of TTV workshop pathways and tools for teachers »

Goals : After 5 years of action in Ile de France, TTV wishes to deploy its courses across the territory to reach an exponential number of students (4th and 2nd grade) in priority schools; and enable teachers to be equipped to encourage listening, oral expression and collective intelligence among students within their classrooms.
- Objective 1: Deploy Trouve Ta Voix in 4 new regions (Occitanie, Grand Est, Auvergne Rhône Alpes and Nouvelle Aquitaine).
- Objective 2: Training and equipping 1,000 teachers to encourage oral expression in their teaching.
Number of beneficiaries : - 24,000 students (depending on the workshop)
- 1000 teachers (having followed a training module)