Télémaque works with young people from disadvantaged areas, starting in the 5th grade, to anticipate the risks of self-censorship, difficulties associated with orientation and a lack of socio-cultural openness. The young people are supported over the long term (6 years) and benefit from a qualitative mentoring system. The mentors act on the 4 levers that meet the needs identified by the young people: socio-cultural openness, discovery of the professional world, self-confidence, academic performance and success.
Learn more: www.telemaque.org
Projet soutenu
« Support the deployment of the Télémaque Movement in France and the French overseas territories »
Goals : The Mouvement Télémaque, through the innovative process of territorial franchising, aims to deploy the association's methodology by training associative structures established in targeted territories to enable them in turn to support motivated young people from modest families through mentoring. The aim is to help 18 local organizations roll out the mentoring program to 300 young people.
Number of beneficiaries : 300 young people