L'école à l'hôpital

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L'Ecole à l'Hôpital is a public utility association created in 1929. It provides free individual lessons to sick students in hospitals and at home at the request of the hospital medical teams.

The A.D.O. project aims to support adolescents by reducing the impact of the disease on their schooling, to develop their skills and to guide them to strengthen their self-esteem and to detect their own learning strategies to envisage a future despite the disease.

Learn more: ecolealhopital-idf.org

Projet soutenu

« Project A.D.O. (Accompany / Develop / Orient) »

Goals : - to provide volunteer teachers and school coordinators with enriched pedagogical proposals and training on new tools and methods
- to deploy the A.D.O. program in 3 to 4 structures each year and enrich it to address 1300 youth in 3 years
Number of beneficiaries : 1300 young people out of school due to long-term, chronic or psychiatric illnesses