Futur Au Présent International (FAP) is an organization created in 2012 by Senegalese and French social workers and a teacher-researcher in sociology. It offers social and educational support to people in extreme poverty (prisoners, girls in early labor, school dropouts in Senegal and unaccompanied minors in France).
Learn more: www.futuraupresent.com
Projet soutenu
« Access to training and entrepreneurship for young people in Casamance - Phase 2 »
Goals : - Enable young people currently undergoing vocational training to complete their course and prepare for working life.
- Enable young people who have completed their training and benefited from the first phase of the program, as well as other young people in Ziguinchor, to start up a stable professional activity (their own business or the creation of an economic interest group).
- Consolidate a network of players promoting the professional integration of young people in Casamance.
Number of beneficiaries : 466 young people aged 13 to 18 over 2 years.